dojox.gfx tests

translucent rect with rounded stroke
translucent rect with no stroke
30g CCW blue translucent rounded rect
skewed rects
all matrix operations, check debug output for more details
translucent green circle
arcTo: from 0 to 360 degree, w/ 30 degree of x axis rotation, rendered with different color
straight red line
translucent cyan ellipse
unfilled open polyline
filled polygon
lineTo, moveTo, closePath
setPath example with lineTo moveTo
curveTo, smoothCurveTo
curveTo, smoothCurveTo with relative coordination
qCurveTo, qSmoothCurveTo
qCurveTo, qSmoothCurveTo with relative
linear gradient fill
radial gradient fill
gfx renderer = svg
blue_rect: rect with identity
lime_rect: translate(30,40)
red_rect: rotate 30 degree counterclockwise
lightblue_rect: scale(1.5, 0.5)
pink_rect: flipX
yellow_rect: flipY
purple_rect: flipXY
purple_rect: skewXg 15 degree
black_rect: skewXg 50 degree