a:14:{s:9:"#provides";s:20:"dojox.string.Builder";s:9:"#resource";s:17:"string/Builder.js";s:20:"dojox.string.Builder";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:3:"str";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}}s:6:"source";s:3730:"dojo.provide("dojox.string.Builder"); dojox.string.Builder = function(/*String?*/str){ // summary: // A fast buffer for creating large strings. // // length: Number // The current length of the internal string. // N.B. the public nature of the internal buffer is no longer // needed because the IE-specific fork is no longer needed--TRT. var b = ""; this.length = 0; this.append = function(/* String... */s){ // summary: Append all arguments to the end of the buffer if(arguments.length>1){ /* This is a loop unroll was designed specifically for Firefox; it would seem that static index access on an Arguments object is a LOT faster than doing dynamic index access. Therefore, we create a buffer string and take advantage of JS's switch fallthrough. The peformance of this method comes very close to straight up string concatenation (+=). If the arguments object length is greater than 9, we fall back to standard dynamic access. This optimization seems to have no real effect on either Safari or Opera, so we just use it for all. It turns out also that this loop unroll can increase performance significantly with Internet Explorer, particularly when as many arguments are provided as possible. Loop unroll per suggestion from Kris Zyp, implemented by Tom Trenka. Note: added empty string to force a string cast if needed. */ var tmp="", l=arguments.length; switch(l){ case 9: tmp=""+arguments[8]+tmp; case 8: tmp=""+arguments[7]+tmp; case 7: tmp=""+arguments[6]+tmp; case 6: tmp=""+arguments[5]+tmp; case 5: tmp=""+arguments[4]+tmp; case 4: tmp=""+arguments[3]+tmp; case 3: tmp=""+arguments[2]+tmp; case 2: { b+=""+arguments[0]+arguments[1]+tmp; break; } default: { var i=0; while(i1){ /* This is a loop unroll was designed specifically for Firefox; it would seem that static index access on an Arguments object is a LOT faster than doing dynamic index access. Therefore, we create a buffer string and take advantage of JS's switch fallthrough. The peformance of this method comes very close to straight up string concatenation (+=). If the arguments object length is greater than 9, we fall back to standard dynamic access. This optimization seems to have no real effect on either Safari or Opera, so we just use it for all. It turns out also that this loop unroll can increase performance significantly with Internet Explorer, particularly when as many arguments are provided as possible. Loop unroll per suggestion from Kris Zyp, implemented by Tom Trenka. Note: added empty string to force a string cast if needed. */ var tmp="", l=arguments.length; switch(l){ case 9: tmp=""+arguments[8]+tmp; case 8: tmp=""+arguments[7]+tmp; case 7: tmp=""+arguments[6]+tmp; case 6: tmp=""+arguments[5]+tmp; case 5: tmp=""+arguments[4]+tmp; case 4: tmp=""+arguments[3]+tmp; case 3: tmp=""+arguments[2]+tmp; case 2: { b+=""+arguments[0]+arguments[1]+tmp; break; } default: { var i=0; while(i1){ /* This is a loop unroll was designed specifically for Firefox; it would seem that static index access on an Arguments object is a LOT faster than doing dynamic index access. Therefore, we create a buffer string and take advantage of JS's switch fallthrough. The peformance of this method comes very close to straight up string concatenation (+=). If the arguments object length is greater than 9, we fall back to standard dynamic access. This optimization seems to have no real effect on either Safari or Opera, so we just use it for all. It turns out also that this loop unroll can increase performance significantly with Internet Explorer, particularly when as many arguments are provided as possible. Loop unroll per suggestion from Kris Zyp, implemented by Tom Trenka. Note: added empty string to force a string cast if needed. */ var tmp="", l=arguments.length; switch(l){ case 9: tmp=""+arguments[8]+tmp; case 8: tmp=""+arguments[7]+tmp; case 7: tmp=""+arguments[6]+tmp; case 6: tmp=""+arguments[5]+tmp; case 5: tmp=""+arguments[4]+tmp; case 4: tmp=""+arguments[3]+tmp; case 3: tmp=""+arguments[2]+tmp; case 2: { b+=""+arguments[0]+arguments[1]+tmp; break; } default: { var i=0; while(i