a:8:{s:9:"#provides";s:16:"dojox.json.query";s:9:"#resource";s:13:"json/query.js";s:3:"end";a:1:{s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:5:"start";a:1:{s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:16:"value.__included";a:2:{s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:16:"dojox.json.query";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:2:{s:5:"query";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";s:7:"summary";s:12:"Query string";}s:3:"obj";a:3:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:23:"Target of the JSONQuery";}}s:6:"source";s:3897:"		var depth = 0;	
		var str = [];
		query = query.replace(/"(\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(\\.|[^'\\])*'|[\[\]]/g,function(t){
			depth += t == '[' ? 1 : t == ']' ? -1 : 0; // keep track of bracket depth
			return (t == ']' && depth > 0) ? '`]' : // we mark all the inner brackets as skippable
					(t.charAt(0) == '"' || t.charAt(0) == "'") ? "`" + (str.push(t) - 1) :// and replace all the strings
		var prefix = '';
		function call(name){
			// creates a function call and puts the expression so far in a parameter for a call 
			prefix = name + "(" + prefix;
		function makeRegex(t,a,b,c,d,e,f,g){
			// creates a regular expression matcher for when wildcards and ignore case is used 
			return str[g].match(/[\*\?]/) || f == '~' ?
					"/^" + str[g].substring(1,str[g].length-1).replace(/\\([btnfr\\"'])|([^\w\*\?])/g,"\\$1$2").replace(/([\*\?])/g,"[\\w\\W]$1") + (f == '~' ? '$/i' : '$/') + ".test(" + a + ")" :
			throw new Error("Unsafe function call");

		query = query.replace(/([^=]=)([^=])/g,"$1=$2"). // change the equals to comparisons
				return t.charAt(0) == '.' ? t : // leave .prop alone 
					t == '@' ? "$obj" :// the reference to the current object 
					(t.match(/:|^(\$|Math|true|false|null)$/) ? "" : "$obj.") + t; // plain names should be properties of root... unless they are a label in object initializer
				var oper = t.match(/^\.?\.?(\[\s*\^?\?|\^?\?|\[\s*==)(.*?)\]?$/); // [?expr] and ?expr and [=expr and =expr
					var prefix = '';
						// recursive object search
						prefix = ",true)";
					call(oper[1].match(/\=/) ? "dojo.map" : oper[1].match(/\^/) ? "distinctFilter" : "dojo.filter");
					return prefix + ",function($obj){return " + oper[2] + "})"; 
				oper = t.match(/^\[\s*([\/\\].*)\]/); // [/sortexpr,\sortexpr]
					// make a copy of the array and then sort it using the sorting expression
					return ".concat().sort(function(a,b){" + oper[1].replace(/\s*,?\s*([\/\\])\s*([^,\\\/]+)/g,function(t,a,b){
							return "var av= " + b.replace(/\$obj/,"a") + ",bv= " + b.replace(/\$obj/,"b") + // FIXME: Should check to make sure the $obj token isn't followed by characters
									";if(av>bv||bv==null){return " + (a== "/" ? 1 : -1) +";}\n" +
									"if(bv>av||av==null){return " + (a== "/" ? -1 : 1) +";}\n";
					}) + "return 0;})";
				oper = t.match(/^\[(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?(-?[0-9]*)\]/); // slice [0:3]
					return "," + (oper[1] || 0) + "," + (oper[2] || 0) + "," + (oper[3] || 1) + ")"; 
				if(t.match(/^\.\.|\.\*|\[\s*\*\s*\]|,/)){ // ..prop and [*]
					return (t.charAt(1) == '.' ? 
							",'" + b + "'" : // ..prop 
								t.match(/,/) ? 
									"," + t : // [prop1,prop2]
									"") + ")"; // [*]
				return t;
			replace(/(\$obj\s*((\.\s*[\w_$]+\s*)|(\[\s*`([0-9]+)\s*`\]))*)(==|~)\s*`([0-9]+)/g,makeRegex). // create regex matching
			replace(/`([0-9]+)\s*(==|~)\s*(\$obj\s*((\.\s*[\w_$]+)|(\[\s*`([0-9]+)\s*`\]))*)/g,function(t,a,b,c,d,e,f,g){ // and do it for reverse =
				return makeRegex(t,c,d,e,f,g,b,a);
		query = prefix + (query.charAt(0) == '$' ? "" : "$") + query.replace(/`([0-9]+|\])/g,function(t,a){
			//restore the strings
			return a == ']' ? ']' : str[a];
		// create a function within this scope (so it can use expand and slice)

		var executor = eval("1&&function($,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9){var $obj=$;return " + query + "}");
		for(var i = 0;i<arguments.length-1;i++){
			arguments[i] = arguments[i+1];
		return obj ? executor.apply(this,arguments) : executor;";s:7:"summary";s:208:"Performs a JSONQuery on the provided object and returns the results.
If no object is provided (just a query), it returns a &quot;compiled&quot; function that evaluates objects
according to the provided query.";s:11:"description";s:3669:"JSONQuery provides a comprehensive set of data querying tools including filtering,
recursive search, sorting, mapping, range selection, and powerful expressions with
wildcard string comparisons and various operators. JSONQuery generally supersets
JSONPath and provides syntax that matches and behaves like JavaScript where

JSONQuery evaluations begin with the provided object, which can referenced with
$. From
the starting object, various operators can be successively applied, each operating
on the result of the last operation.

Supported Operators:
* .property - This will return the provided property of the object, behaving exactly
like JavaScript.
* [expression] - This returns the property name/index defined by the evaluation of
the provided expression, behaving exactly like JavaScript.
* [?expression] - This will perform a filter operation on an array, returning all the
items in an array that match the provided expression. This operator does not
need to be in brackets, you can simply use ?expression, but since it does not
have any containment, no operators can be used afterwards when used
without brackets.
* [^?expression] - This will perform a distinct filter operation on an array. This behaves
as [?expression] except that it will remove any duplicate values/objects from the
result set.
* [/expression], [\expression], [/expression, /expression] - This performs a sort
operation on an array, with sort based on the provide expression. Multiple comma delimited sort
expressions can be provided for multiple sort orders (first being highest priority). /
indicates ascending order and \ indicates descending order
* [=expression] - This performs a map operation on an array, creating a new array
with each item being the evaluation of the expression for each item in the source array.
* [start:end:step] - This performs an array slice/range operation, returning the elements
from the optional start index to the optional end index, stepping by the optional step number.
* [expr,expr] - This a union operator, returning an array of all the property/index values from
the evaluation of the comma delimited expressions.
* .* or [*] - This returns the values of all the properties of the current object.
* $ - This is the root object, If a JSONQuery expression does not being with a $,
it will be auto-inserted at the beginning.
* @ - This is the current object in filter, sort, and map expressions. This is generally
not necessary, names are auto-converted to property references of the current object
in expressions.
*	..property - Performs a recursive search for the given property name, returning
an array of all values with such a property name in the current object and any subobjects
* expr = expr - Performs a comparison (like JS's ==). When comparing to
a string, the comparison string may contain wildcards * (matches any number of
characters) and ? (matches any single character).
* expr ~ expr - Performs a string comparison with case insensitivity.
* ..[?expression] - This will perform a deep search filter operation on all the objects and
subobjects of the current data. Rather than only searching an array, this will search
property values, arrays, and their children.
* $1,$2,$3, etc. - These are references to extra parameters passed to the query
function or the evaluator function.
* +, -, /, *, &, |, %, (, ), <, >, <=, >=, != - These operators behave just as they do
in JavaScript.

always return identical results. The first one immediately evaluates, the second one returns a
function that then evaluates the object.";s:7:"returns";s:138:"we mark all the inner brackets as skippable|leave .prop alone|FIXME: Should check to make sure the $obj token isn't followed by characters";s:8:"examples";a:3:{i:0;s:62:"

This will return "bar".";i:1;s:312:"

	evaluator = dojox.json.query("?foo='bar'&rating>3");
This creates a function that finds all the objects in an array with a property
foo that is equals to "bar" and with a rating property with a value greater
than 3.

This returns:


	evaluator = dojox.json.query("$[?price<15.00][\rating][0:10]");
This finds objects in array with a price less than 15.00 and sorts then
by rating, highest rated first, and returns the first ten items in from this
filtered and sorted list.";}}s:10:"dojox.json";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:5:"dojox";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}}