a:35:{s:9:"#provides";s:4:"dojo";s:9:"#resource";s:26:"_base/_loader/loader_xd.js";s:17:"dojo._xdBundleMap";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:13:"dojo._xdReset";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:852:"//Cross-domain resource loader.

dojo._xdReset = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.

	//This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
	//it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
	//to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
	//the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
	//to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
	this._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;

	this._xdTimer = 0;
	this._xdInFlight = {};
	this._xdOrderedReqs = [];
	this._xdDepMap = {};
	this._xdContents = [];
	this._xdDefList = [];";s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:24:"dojo._xdReset._isXDomain";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._xdReset";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:22:"dojo._xdReset._xdTimer";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._xdReset";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:25:"dojo._xdReset._xdInFlight";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._xdReset";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:28:"dojo._xdReset._xdOrderedReqs";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._xdReset";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:23:"dojo._xdReset._xdDepMap";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._xdReset";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:25:"dojo._xdReset._xdContents";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._xdReset";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:24:"dojo._xdReset._xdDefList";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._xdReset";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:22:"dojo._xdCreateResource";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:3:{s:8:"contents";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:12:"resourceName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:12:"resourcePath";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}}s:6:"source";s:3353:"//Cross-domain resource loader.

dojo._xdReset = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.

	//This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
	//it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
	//to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
	//the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
	//to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
	this._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;

	this._xdTimer = 0;
	this._xdInFlight = {};
	this._xdOrderedReqs = [];
	this._xdDepMap = {};
	this._xdContents = [];
	this._xdDefList = [];

//Call reset immediately to set the state.

dojo._xdCreateResource = function(/*String*/contents, /*String*/resourceName, /*String*/resourcePath){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Creates an xd module source given an
	//non-xd module contents.

	//Remove comments. Not perfect, but good enough for dependency resolution.
	var depContents = contents.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , "");

	//Find dependencies.
	var deps = [];
    var depRegExp = /dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
    var match;
	while((match = depRegExp.exec(depContents)) != null){
		if(match[1] == "requireLocalization"){
			//Need to load the local bundles asap, since they are not
			//part of the list of modules watched for loading.
			deps.push('"' + match[1] + '", ' + match[2]);

	//Create resource object and the call to _xdResourceLoaded.
	var output = [];
	output.push(dojo._scopeName + "._xdResourceLoaded(function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){\n");

	//See if there are any dojo.loadInit calls
	var loadInitCalls = dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(contents);
		//Adjust fileContents since extractLoadInits removed something.
		contents = loadInitCalls[0];

		//Add any loadInit calls to the top of the xd file.
		for(var i = 1; i < loadInitCalls.length; i++){
			output.push(loadInitCalls[i] + ";\n");

	output.push("return {");

	//Add dependencies
	if(deps.length > 0){
		output.push("depends: [");
		for(i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			if(i > 0){
			output.push("[" + deps[i] + "]");

	//Add the contents of the file inside a function.
	//Pass in scope arguments so we can support multiple versions of the
	//same module on a page.
	output.push("\ndefineResource: function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){");

	//Don't put in the contents in the debugAtAllCosts case
	//since the contents may have syntax errors. Let those
	//get pushed up when the script tags are added to the page
	//in the debugAtAllCosts case.
	if(!dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] || resourceName == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
	//Add isLocal property so we know if we have to do something different
	//in debugAtAllCosts situations.
	output.push("\n}, resourceName: '" + resourceName + "', resourcePath: '" + resourcePath + "'};});");

	return output.join(""); //String";s:7:"returns";s:6:"String";s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:24:"dojo._xdExtractLoadInits";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:12:"fileContents";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}}s:6:"source";s:4724:"//Cross-domain resource loader.

dojo._xdReset = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.

	//This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
	//it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
	//to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
	//the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
	//to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
	this._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;

	this._xdTimer = 0;
	this._xdInFlight = {};
	this._xdOrderedReqs = [];
	this._xdDepMap = {};
	this._xdContents = [];
	this._xdDefList = [];

//Call reset immediately to set the state.

dojo._xdCreateResource = function(/*String*/contents, /*String*/resourceName, /*String*/resourcePath){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Creates an xd module source given an
	//non-xd module contents.

	//Remove comments. Not perfect, but good enough for dependency resolution.
	var depContents = contents.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , "");

	//Find dependencies.
	var deps = [];
    var depRegExp = /dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
    var match;
	while((match = depRegExp.exec(depContents)) != null){
		if(match[1] == "requireLocalization"){
			//Need to load the local bundles asap, since they are not
			//part of the list of modules watched for loading.
			deps.push('"' + match[1] + '", ' + match[2]);

	//Create resource object and the call to _xdResourceLoaded.
	var output = [];
	output.push(dojo._scopeName + "._xdResourceLoaded(function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){\n");

	//See if there are any dojo.loadInit calls
	var loadInitCalls = dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(contents);
		//Adjust fileContents since extractLoadInits removed something.
		contents = loadInitCalls[0];

		//Add any loadInit calls to the top of the xd file.
		for(var i = 1; i < loadInitCalls.length; i++){
			output.push(loadInitCalls[i] + ";\n");

	output.push("return {");

	//Add dependencies
	if(deps.length > 0){
		output.push("depends: [");
		for(i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			if(i > 0){
			output.push("[" + deps[i] + "]");

	//Add the contents of the file inside a function.
	//Pass in scope arguments so we can support multiple versions of the
	//same module on a page.
	output.push("\ndefineResource: function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){");

	//Don't put in the contents in the debugAtAllCosts case
	//since the contents may have syntax errors. Let those
	//get pushed up when the script tags are added to the page
	//in the debugAtAllCosts case.
	if(!dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] || resourceName == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
	//Add isLocal property so we know if we have to do something different
	//in debugAtAllCosts situations.
	output.push("\n}, resourceName: '" + resourceName + "', resourcePath: '" + resourcePath + "'};});");

	return output.join(""); //String

dojo._xdExtractLoadInits = function(/*String*/fileContents){
	var regexp = /dojo.loadInit\s*\(/g;
	regexp.lastIndex = 0;

	var parenRe = /[\(\)]/g;
	parenRe.lastIndex = 0;

	var results = [];
	var matches;
	while((matches = regexp.exec(fileContents))){
		//Find end of the call by finding the matching end paren
		parenRe.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
		var matchCount = 1;
		var parenMatch;
		while((parenMatch = parenRe.exec(fileContents))){
			if(parenMatch[0] == ")"){
				matchCount -= 1;
				matchCount += 1;
			if(matchCount == 0){

		if(matchCount != 0){
			throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + fileContents;

		//Put the master matching string in the results.
		var startIndex = regexp.lastIndex - matches[0].length;
		results.push(fileContents.substring(startIndex, parenRe.lastIndex));

		//Remove the matching section.
		var remLength = parenRe.lastIndex - startIndex;
		fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, startIndex) + fileContents.substring(parenRe.lastIndex, fileContents.length);

		//Move the master regexp past the last matching paren point.
		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex - remLength;

		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex;

	if(results.length > 0){

	return (results.length ? results : null);";s:7:"returns";s:6:"String";s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:21:"dojo._xdIsXDomainPath";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:7:"relpath";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";}}s:6:"source";s:714:"	var colonIndex = relpath.indexOf(":");
	var slashIndex = relpath.indexOf("/");

	if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex){
		return true;
		//Is the base script URI-based URL a cross domain URL?
		//If so, then the relpath will be evaluated relative to
		//baseUrl, and therefore qualify as xdomain.
		//Only treat it as xdomain if the page does not have a
		//host (file:// url) or if the baseUrl does not match the
		//current window's domain.
		var url = this.baseUrl;
		colonIndex = url.indexOf(":");
		slashIndex = url.indexOf("/");
		if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex && (!location.host || url.indexOf("http://" + location.host) != 0)){
			return true;
    return false;     ";s:7:"summary";s:124:"Figure out whether the path is local or x-domain
If there is a colon before the first / then, we have a URL with a protocol.";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:14:"dojo._loadPath";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:3:{s:7:"relpath";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:6:"module";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:2:"cb";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";}}s:6:"source";s:407:"	var currentIsXDomain = this._xdIsXDomainPath(relpath);
    this._isXDomain |= currentIsXDomain;

	var uri = ((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)) ? "" : this.baseUrl) + relpath;

		return ((!module || this._isXDomain) ? this._loadUri(uri, cb, currentIsXDomain, module) : this._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb)); //Boolean
		return false; //Boolean
	}";s:7:"summary";s:130:"Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadPath() from loader.js.
xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().";s:7:"returns";s:7:"Boolean";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:13:"dojo._loadUri";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:4:{s:3:"uri";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:2:"cb";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";}s:16:"currentIsXDomain";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:7:"boolean";}s:6:"module";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}}s:6:"source";s:3076:"	if(this._loadedUrls[uri]){
		return 1; //Boolean

	//Add the module (resource) to the list of modules.
	//Only do this work if we have a modlue name. Otherwise, 
	//it is a non-xd i18n bundle, which can load immediately and does not 
	//need to be tracked. Also, don't track dojo.i18n, since it is a prerequisite
	//and will be loaded correctly if we load it right away: it has no dependencies.
	if(this._isXDomain && module && module != "dojo.i18n"){

		//Add to waiting resources if it is an xdomain resource.
		//Don't add non-xdomain i18n bundles, those get evaled immediately.
		if(currentIsXDomain || uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1){
			this._xdInFlight[module] = true;

			//Increment inFlightCount
			//This will stop the modulesLoaded from firing all the way.

		//Start timer
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(function(){dojo._xdWatchInFlight();}, 100);
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(dojo._scopeName + "._xdWatchInFlight();", 100);
		this._xdStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();

	if (currentIsXDomain){
		//Fix name to be a .xd.fileextension name.
		var lastIndex = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
		if(lastIndex <= 0){
			lastIndex = uri.length - 1;

		var xdUri = uri.substring(0, lastIndex) + ".xd";
		if(lastIndex != uri.length - 1){
			xdUri += uri.substring(lastIndex, uri.length);

		if (dojo.isAIR){
			xdUri = xdUri.replace("app:/", "/");

		//Add to script src
		var element = document.createElement("script");
		element.type = "text/javascript";
		element.src = xdUri;
			this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

			//Head element may not exist, particularly in html
			//html 4 or tag soup cases where the page does not
			//have a head tag in it. Use html element, since that will exist.
			//Seems to be an issue mostly with Opera 9 and to lesser extent Safari 2
				this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
		var contents = this._getText(uri, null, true);
		if(contents == null){ return 0; /*boolean*/}

		//If this is not xdomain, or if loading a i18n resource bundle, then send it down
		//the normal eval/callback path.
			&& uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1
			&& module != "dojo.i18n"){
			var res = this._xdCreateResource(contents, module, uri);
				contents = '('+contents+')';
				//Only do the scoping if no callback. If a callback is specified,
				//it is most likely the i18n bundle stuff.
				contents = this._scopePrefix + contents + this._scopeSuffix;
			var value = dojo["eval"](contents+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);

	//These steps are done in the non-xd loader version of this function.
	//Maintain these steps to fit in with the existing system.
	this._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
	return true; //Boolean";s:7:"summary";s:129:"Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadUri() from loader.js.
xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().";s:11:"description";s:104:"Wanted to override getText(), but it is used by
the widget code in too many, synchronous ways right now.";s:7:"returns";s:7:"Boolean";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:22:"dojo._loadUri._xdTimer";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._loadUri";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:26:"dojo._loadUri._xdStartTime";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._loadUri";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:26:"dojo._loadUri._headElement";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo._loadUri";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:22:"dojo._xdResourceLoaded";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:3:"res";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:2308:"	res = res.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Work through dependencies.
	var deps = res.depends;
	var requireList = null;
	var requireAfterList = null;
	var provideList = [];
	if(deps && deps.length > 0){
		var dep = null;
		var insertHint = 0;
		var attachedResource = false;
		for(var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			dep = deps[i];

			//Look for specific dependency indicators.
			if (dep[0] == "provide"){
					requireList = [];
					requireAfterList = [];

				var unpackedDeps = this._xdUnpackDependency(dep);
					requireList = requireList.concat(unpackedDeps.requires);
					requireAfterList = requireAfterList.concat(unpackedDeps.requiresAfter);

			//Call the dependency indicator to allow for the normal dojo setup.
			//Only allow for one dot reference, for the i18n._preloadLocalizations calls
			//(and maybe future, one-dot things).
			var depType = dep[0];
			var objPath = depType.split(".");
			if(objPath.length == 2){
				dojo[objPath[0]][objPath[1]].apply(dojo[objPath[0]], dep.slice(1));
				dojo[depType].apply(dojo, dep.slice(1));

		//If loading the debugAtAllCosts module, eval it right away since we need
		//its functions to properly load the other modules.
		if(provideList.length == 1 && provideList[0] == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
			//Save off the resource contents for definition later.
			var contentIndex = this._xdContents.push({
					content: res.defineResource,
					resourceName: res["resourceName"],
					resourcePath: res["resourcePath"],
					isDefined: false
				}) - 1;

			//Add provide/requires to dependency map.
			for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
				this._xdDepMap[provideList[i]] = { requires: requireList, requiresAfter: requireAfterList, contentIndex: contentIndex };

		//Now update the inflight status for any provided resources in this loaded resource.
		//Do this at the very end (in a *separate* for loop) to avoid shutting down the 
		//inflight timer check too soon.
		for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
			this._xdInFlight[provideList[i]] = false;
	}";s:7:"summary";s:166:"Internal xd loader function. Called by an xd module resource when
it has been loaded via a script tag.

Evaluate the function with scopeArgs for multiversion support.";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:27:"dojo._xdLoadFlattenedBundle";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:4:{s:10:"moduleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:10:"bundleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:6:"locale";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:10:"bundleData";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:485:"	locale = locale || "root";
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale).replace('-', '_');
 	var bundleResource = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
	var bundle = dojo["provide"](bundleResource);
	bundle[jsLoc] = bundleData;

	//Assign the bundle for the original locale(s) we wanted.
	var mapName = [moduleName, jsLoc, bundleName].join(".");
	var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
		for(var param in bundleMap){
			bundle[param] = bundleData;
	}";s:7:"summary";s:93:"Internal xd loader function. Used when loading
a flattened localized bundle via a script tag.";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:24:"dojo._xdInitExtraLocales";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:13519:"//Cross-domain resource loader.

dojo._xdReset = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.

	//This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
	//it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
	//to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
	//the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
	//to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
	this._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;

	this._xdTimer = 0;
	this._xdInFlight = {};
	this._xdOrderedReqs = [];
	this._xdDepMap = {};
	this._xdContents = [];
	this._xdDefList = [];

//Call reset immediately to set the state.

dojo._xdCreateResource = function(/*String*/contents, /*String*/resourceName, /*String*/resourcePath){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Creates an xd module source given an
	//non-xd module contents.

	//Remove comments. Not perfect, but good enough for dependency resolution.
	var depContents = contents.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , "");

	//Find dependencies.
	var deps = [];
    var depRegExp = /dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
    var match;
	while((match = depRegExp.exec(depContents)) != null){
		if(match[1] == "requireLocalization"){
			//Need to load the local bundles asap, since they are not
			//part of the list of modules watched for loading.
			deps.push('"' + match[1] + '", ' + match[2]);

	//Create resource object and the call to _xdResourceLoaded.
	var output = [];
	output.push(dojo._scopeName + "._xdResourceLoaded(function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){\n");

	//See if there are any dojo.loadInit calls
	var loadInitCalls = dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(contents);
		//Adjust fileContents since extractLoadInits removed something.
		contents = loadInitCalls[0];

		//Add any loadInit calls to the top of the xd file.
		for(var i = 1; i < loadInitCalls.length; i++){
			output.push(loadInitCalls[i] + ";\n");

	output.push("return {");

	//Add dependencies
	if(deps.length > 0){
		output.push("depends: [");
		for(i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			if(i > 0){
			output.push("[" + deps[i] + "]");

	//Add the contents of the file inside a function.
	//Pass in scope arguments so we can support multiple versions of the
	//same module on a page.
	output.push("\ndefineResource: function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){");

	//Don't put in the contents in the debugAtAllCosts case
	//since the contents may have syntax errors. Let those
	//get pushed up when the script tags are added to the page
	//in the debugAtAllCosts case.
	if(!dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] || resourceName == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
	//Add isLocal property so we know if we have to do something different
	//in debugAtAllCosts situations.
	output.push("\n}, resourceName: '" + resourceName + "', resourcePath: '" + resourcePath + "'};});");

	return output.join(""); //String

dojo._xdExtractLoadInits = function(/*String*/fileContents){
	var regexp = /dojo.loadInit\s*\(/g;
	regexp.lastIndex = 0;

	var parenRe = /[\(\)]/g;
	parenRe.lastIndex = 0;

	var results = [];
	var matches;
	while((matches = regexp.exec(fileContents))){
		//Find end of the call by finding the matching end paren
		parenRe.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
		var matchCount = 1;
		var parenMatch;
		while((parenMatch = parenRe.exec(fileContents))){
			if(parenMatch[0] == ")"){
				matchCount -= 1;
				matchCount += 1;
			if(matchCount == 0){

		if(matchCount != 0){
			throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + fileContents;

		//Put the master matching string in the results.
		var startIndex = regexp.lastIndex - matches[0].length;
		results.push(fileContents.substring(startIndex, parenRe.lastIndex));

		//Remove the matching section.
		var remLength = parenRe.lastIndex - startIndex;
		fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, startIndex) + fileContents.substring(parenRe.lastIndex, fileContents.length);

		//Move the master regexp past the last matching paren point.
		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex - remLength;

		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex;

	if(results.length > 0){

	return (results.length ? results : null);

dojo._xdIsXDomainPath = function(/*string*/relpath) {
    //summary: Figure out whether the path is local or x-domain
	//If there is a colon before the first / then, we have a URL with a protocol.

	var colonIndex = relpath.indexOf(":");
	var slashIndex = relpath.indexOf("/");

	if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex){
		return true;
		//Is the base script URI-based URL a cross domain URL?
		//If so, then the relpath will be evaluated relative to
		//baseUrl, and therefore qualify as xdomain.
		//Only treat it as xdomain if the page does not have a
		//host (file:// url) or if the baseUrl does not match the
		//current window's domain.
		var url = this.baseUrl;
		colonIndex = url.indexOf(":");
		slashIndex = url.indexOf("/");
		if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex && (!location.host || url.indexOf("http://" + location.host) != 0)){
			return true;
    return false;     

dojo._loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadPath() from loader.js.
	//xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().

	var currentIsXDomain = this._xdIsXDomainPath(relpath);
    this._isXDomain |= currentIsXDomain;

	var uri = ((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)) ? "" : this.baseUrl) + relpath;

		return ((!module || this._isXDomain) ? this._loadUri(uri, cb, currentIsXDomain, module) : this._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb)); //Boolean
		return false; //Boolean

dojo._loadUri = function(/*String*/uri, /*Function?*/cb, /*boolean*/currentIsXDomain, /*String?*/module){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadUri() from loader.js.
	//		xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().
	//description: Wanted to override getText(), but it is used by
	//		the widget code in too many, synchronous ways right now.
		return 1; //Boolean

	//Add the module (resource) to the list of modules.
	//Only do this work if we have a modlue name. Otherwise, 
	//it is a non-xd i18n bundle, which can load immediately and does not 
	//need to be tracked. Also, don't track dojo.i18n, since it is a prerequisite
	//and will be loaded correctly if we load it right away: it has no dependencies.
	if(this._isXDomain && module && module != "dojo.i18n"){

		//Add to waiting resources if it is an xdomain resource.
		//Don't add non-xdomain i18n bundles, those get evaled immediately.
		if(currentIsXDomain || uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1){
			this._xdInFlight[module] = true;

			//Increment inFlightCount
			//This will stop the modulesLoaded from firing all the way.

		//Start timer
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(function(){dojo._xdWatchInFlight();}, 100);
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(dojo._scopeName + "._xdWatchInFlight();", 100);
		this._xdStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();

	if (currentIsXDomain){
		//Fix name to be a .xd.fileextension name.
		var lastIndex = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
		if(lastIndex <= 0){
			lastIndex = uri.length - 1;

		var xdUri = uri.substring(0, lastIndex) + ".xd";
		if(lastIndex != uri.length - 1){
			xdUri += uri.substring(lastIndex, uri.length);

		if (dojo.isAIR){
			xdUri = xdUri.replace("app:/", "/");

		//Add to script src
		var element = document.createElement("script");
		element.type = "text/javascript";
		element.src = xdUri;
			this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

			//Head element may not exist, particularly in html
			//html 4 or tag soup cases where the page does not
			//have a head tag in it. Use html element, since that will exist.
			//Seems to be an issue mostly with Opera 9 and to lesser extent Safari 2
				this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
		var contents = this._getText(uri, null, true);
		if(contents == null){ return 0; /*boolean*/}

		//If this is not xdomain, or if loading a i18n resource bundle, then send it down
		//the normal eval/callback path.
			&& uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1
			&& module != "dojo.i18n"){
			var res = this._xdCreateResource(contents, module, uri);
				contents = '('+contents+')';
				//Only do the scoping if no callback. If a callback is specified,
				//it is most likely the i18n bundle stuff.
				contents = this._scopePrefix + contents + this._scopeSuffix;
			var value = dojo["eval"](contents+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);

	//These steps are done in the non-xd loader version of this function.
	//Maintain these steps to fit in with the existing system.
	this._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
	return true; //Boolean

dojo._xdResourceLoaded = function(/*Object*/res){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Called by an xd module resource when
	//it has been loaded via a script tag.

	//Evaluate the function with scopeArgs for multiversion support.
	res = res.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Work through dependencies.
	var deps = res.depends;
	var requireList = null;
	var requireAfterList = null;
	var provideList = [];
	if(deps && deps.length > 0){
		var dep = null;
		var insertHint = 0;
		var attachedResource = false;
		for(var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			dep = deps[i];

			//Look for specific dependency indicators.
			if (dep[0] == "provide"){
					requireList = [];
					requireAfterList = [];

				var unpackedDeps = this._xdUnpackDependency(dep);
					requireList = requireList.concat(unpackedDeps.requires);
					requireAfterList = requireAfterList.concat(unpackedDeps.requiresAfter);

			//Call the dependency indicator to allow for the normal dojo setup.
			//Only allow for one dot reference, for the i18n._preloadLocalizations calls
			//(and maybe future, one-dot things).
			var depType = dep[0];
			var objPath = depType.split(".");
			if(objPath.length == 2){
				dojo[objPath[0]][objPath[1]].apply(dojo[objPath[0]], dep.slice(1));
				dojo[depType].apply(dojo, dep.slice(1));

		//If loading the debugAtAllCosts module, eval it right away since we need
		//its functions to properly load the other modules.
		if(provideList.length == 1 && provideList[0] == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
			//Save off the resource contents for definition later.
			var contentIndex = this._xdContents.push({
					content: res.defineResource,
					resourceName: res["resourceName"],
					resourcePath: res["resourcePath"],
					isDefined: false
				}) - 1;

			//Add provide/requires to dependency map.
			for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
				this._xdDepMap[provideList[i]] = { requires: requireList, requiresAfter: requireAfterList, contentIndex: contentIndex };

		//Now update the inflight status for any provided resources in this loaded resource.
		//Do this at the very end (in a *separate* for loop) to avoid shutting down the 
		//inflight timer check too soon.
		for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
			this._xdInFlight[provideList[i]] = false;

dojo._xdLoadFlattenedBundle = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*Object*/bundleData){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Used when loading
	//a flattened localized bundle via a script tag.
	locale = locale || "root";
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale).replace('-', '_');
 	var bundleResource = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
	var bundle = dojo["provide"](bundleResource);
	bundle[jsLoc] = bundleData;

	//Assign the bundle for the original locale(s) we wanted.
	var mapName = [moduleName, jsLoc, bundleName].join(".");
	var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
		for(var param in bundleMap){
			bundle[param] = bundleData;

dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = function(){
	// Simulate the extra locale work that dojo.requireLocalization does.

	var extra = dojo.config.extraLocale;
		if(!extra instanceof Array){
			extra = [extra];

		dojo._xdReqLoc = dojo.xdRequireLocalization;
		dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, fLocales){
			dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,locale, fLocales);
			for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
				dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,extra[i], fLocales);
	}";s:7:"returns";s:14:"String|Boolean";s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:26:"dojo.xdRequireLocalization";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:4:{s:10:"moduleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:10:"bundleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:6:"locale";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:20:"availableFlatLocales";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}}s:6:"source";s:15690:"//Cross-domain resource loader.

dojo._xdReset = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.

	//This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
	//it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
	//to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
	//the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
	//to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
	this._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;

	this._xdTimer = 0;
	this._xdInFlight = {};
	this._xdOrderedReqs = [];
	this._xdDepMap = {};
	this._xdContents = [];
	this._xdDefList = [];

//Call reset immediately to set the state.

dojo._xdCreateResource = function(/*String*/contents, /*String*/resourceName, /*String*/resourcePath){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Creates an xd module source given an
	//non-xd module contents.

	//Remove comments. Not perfect, but good enough for dependency resolution.
	var depContents = contents.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , "");

	//Find dependencies.
	var deps = [];
    var depRegExp = /dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
    var match;
	while((match = depRegExp.exec(depContents)) != null){
		if(match[1] == "requireLocalization"){
			//Need to load the local bundles asap, since they are not
			//part of the list of modules watched for loading.
			deps.push('"' + match[1] + '", ' + match[2]);

	//Create resource object and the call to _xdResourceLoaded.
	var output = [];
	output.push(dojo._scopeName + "._xdResourceLoaded(function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){\n");

	//See if there are any dojo.loadInit calls
	var loadInitCalls = dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(contents);
		//Adjust fileContents since extractLoadInits removed something.
		contents = loadInitCalls[0];

		//Add any loadInit calls to the top of the xd file.
		for(var i = 1; i < loadInitCalls.length; i++){
			output.push(loadInitCalls[i] + ";\n");

	output.push("return {");

	//Add dependencies
	if(deps.length > 0){
		output.push("depends: [");
		for(i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			if(i > 0){
			output.push("[" + deps[i] + "]");

	//Add the contents of the file inside a function.
	//Pass in scope arguments so we can support multiple versions of the
	//same module on a page.
	output.push("\ndefineResource: function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){");

	//Don't put in the contents in the debugAtAllCosts case
	//since the contents may have syntax errors. Let those
	//get pushed up when the script tags are added to the page
	//in the debugAtAllCosts case.
	if(!dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] || resourceName == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
	//Add isLocal property so we know if we have to do something different
	//in debugAtAllCosts situations.
	output.push("\n}, resourceName: '" + resourceName + "', resourcePath: '" + resourcePath + "'};});");

	return output.join(""); //String

dojo._xdExtractLoadInits = function(/*String*/fileContents){
	var regexp = /dojo.loadInit\s*\(/g;
	regexp.lastIndex = 0;

	var parenRe = /[\(\)]/g;
	parenRe.lastIndex = 0;

	var results = [];
	var matches;
	while((matches = regexp.exec(fileContents))){
		//Find end of the call by finding the matching end paren
		parenRe.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
		var matchCount = 1;
		var parenMatch;
		while((parenMatch = parenRe.exec(fileContents))){
			if(parenMatch[0] == ")"){
				matchCount -= 1;
				matchCount += 1;
			if(matchCount == 0){

		if(matchCount != 0){
			throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + fileContents;

		//Put the master matching string in the results.
		var startIndex = regexp.lastIndex - matches[0].length;
		results.push(fileContents.substring(startIndex, parenRe.lastIndex));

		//Remove the matching section.
		var remLength = parenRe.lastIndex - startIndex;
		fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, startIndex) + fileContents.substring(parenRe.lastIndex, fileContents.length);

		//Move the master regexp past the last matching paren point.
		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex - remLength;

		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex;

	if(results.length > 0){

	return (results.length ? results : null);

dojo._xdIsXDomainPath = function(/*string*/relpath) {
    //summary: Figure out whether the path is local or x-domain
	//If there is a colon before the first / then, we have a URL with a protocol.

	var colonIndex = relpath.indexOf(":");
	var slashIndex = relpath.indexOf("/");

	if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex){
		return true;
		//Is the base script URI-based URL a cross domain URL?
		//If so, then the relpath will be evaluated relative to
		//baseUrl, and therefore qualify as xdomain.
		//Only treat it as xdomain if the page does not have a
		//host (file:// url) or if the baseUrl does not match the
		//current window's domain.
		var url = this.baseUrl;
		colonIndex = url.indexOf(":");
		slashIndex = url.indexOf("/");
		if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex && (!location.host || url.indexOf("http://" + location.host) != 0)){
			return true;
    return false;     

dojo._loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadPath() from loader.js.
	//xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().

	var currentIsXDomain = this._xdIsXDomainPath(relpath);
    this._isXDomain |= currentIsXDomain;

	var uri = ((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)) ? "" : this.baseUrl) + relpath;

		return ((!module || this._isXDomain) ? this._loadUri(uri, cb, currentIsXDomain, module) : this._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb)); //Boolean
		return false; //Boolean

dojo._loadUri = function(/*String*/uri, /*Function?*/cb, /*boolean*/currentIsXDomain, /*String?*/module){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadUri() from loader.js.
	//		xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().
	//description: Wanted to override getText(), but it is used by
	//		the widget code in too many, synchronous ways right now.
		return 1; //Boolean

	//Add the module (resource) to the list of modules.
	//Only do this work if we have a modlue name. Otherwise, 
	//it is a non-xd i18n bundle, which can load immediately and does not 
	//need to be tracked. Also, don't track dojo.i18n, since it is a prerequisite
	//and will be loaded correctly if we load it right away: it has no dependencies.
	if(this._isXDomain && module && module != "dojo.i18n"){

		//Add to waiting resources if it is an xdomain resource.
		//Don't add non-xdomain i18n bundles, those get evaled immediately.
		if(currentIsXDomain || uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1){
			this._xdInFlight[module] = true;

			//Increment inFlightCount
			//This will stop the modulesLoaded from firing all the way.

		//Start timer
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(function(){dojo._xdWatchInFlight();}, 100);
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(dojo._scopeName + "._xdWatchInFlight();", 100);
		this._xdStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();

	if (currentIsXDomain){
		//Fix name to be a .xd.fileextension name.
		var lastIndex = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
		if(lastIndex <= 0){
			lastIndex = uri.length - 1;

		var xdUri = uri.substring(0, lastIndex) + ".xd";
		if(lastIndex != uri.length - 1){
			xdUri += uri.substring(lastIndex, uri.length);

		if (dojo.isAIR){
			xdUri = xdUri.replace("app:/", "/");

		//Add to script src
		var element = document.createElement("script");
		element.type = "text/javascript";
		element.src = xdUri;
			this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

			//Head element may not exist, particularly in html
			//html 4 or tag soup cases where the page does not
			//have a head tag in it. Use html element, since that will exist.
			//Seems to be an issue mostly with Opera 9 and to lesser extent Safari 2
				this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
		var contents = this._getText(uri, null, true);
		if(contents == null){ return 0; /*boolean*/}

		//If this is not xdomain, or if loading a i18n resource bundle, then send it down
		//the normal eval/callback path.
			&& uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1
			&& module != "dojo.i18n"){
			var res = this._xdCreateResource(contents, module, uri);
				contents = '('+contents+')';
				//Only do the scoping if no callback. If a callback is specified,
				//it is most likely the i18n bundle stuff.
				contents = this._scopePrefix + contents + this._scopeSuffix;
			var value = dojo["eval"](contents+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);

	//These steps are done in the non-xd loader version of this function.
	//Maintain these steps to fit in with the existing system.
	this._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
	return true; //Boolean

dojo._xdResourceLoaded = function(/*Object*/res){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Called by an xd module resource when
	//it has been loaded via a script tag.

	//Evaluate the function with scopeArgs for multiversion support.
	res = res.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Work through dependencies.
	var deps = res.depends;
	var requireList = null;
	var requireAfterList = null;
	var provideList = [];
	if(deps && deps.length > 0){
		var dep = null;
		var insertHint = 0;
		var attachedResource = false;
		for(var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			dep = deps[i];

			//Look for specific dependency indicators.
			if (dep[0] == "provide"){
					requireList = [];
					requireAfterList = [];

				var unpackedDeps = this._xdUnpackDependency(dep);
					requireList = requireList.concat(unpackedDeps.requires);
					requireAfterList = requireAfterList.concat(unpackedDeps.requiresAfter);

			//Call the dependency indicator to allow for the normal dojo setup.
			//Only allow for one dot reference, for the i18n._preloadLocalizations calls
			//(and maybe future, one-dot things).
			var depType = dep[0];
			var objPath = depType.split(".");
			if(objPath.length == 2){
				dojo[objPath[0]][objPath[1]].apply(dojo[objPath[0]], dep.slice(1));
				dojo[depType].apply(dojo, dep.slice(1));

		//If loading the debugAtAllCosts module, eval it right away since we need
		//its functions to properly load the other modules.
		if(provideList.length == 1 && provideList[0] == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
			//Save off the resource contents for definition later.
			var contentIndex = this._xdContents.push({
					content: res.defineResource,
					resourceName: res["resourceName"],
					resourcePath: res["resourcePath"],
					isDefined: false
				}) - 1;

			//Add provide/requires to dependency map.
			for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
				this._xdDepMap[provideList[i]] = { requires: requireList, requiresAfter: requireAfterList, contentIndex: contentIndex };

		//Now update the inflight status for any provided resources in this loaded resource.
		//Do this at the very end (in a *separate* for loop) to avoid shutting down the 
		//inflight timer check too soon.
		for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
			this._xdInFlight[provideList[i]] = false;

dojo._xdLoadFlattenedBundle = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*Object*/bundleData){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Used when loading
	//a flattened localized bundle via a script tag.
	locale = locale || "root";
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale).replace('-', '_');
 	var bundleResource = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
	var bundle = dojo["provide"](bundleResource);
	bundle[jsLoc] = bundleData;

	//Assign the bundle for the original locale(s) we wanted.
	var mapName = [moduleName, jsLoc, bundleName].join(".");
	var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
		for(var param in bundleMap){
			bundle[param] = bundleData;

dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = function(){
	// Simulate the extra locale work that dojo.requireLocalization does.

	var extra = dojo.config.extraLocale;
		if(!extra instanceof Array){
			extra = [extra];

		dojo._xdReqLoc = dojo.xdRequireLocalization;
		dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, fLocales){
			dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,locale, fLocales);
			for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
				dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,extra[i], fLocales);

dojo._xdBundleMap = {};

dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String*/availableFlatLocales){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. The xd version of dojo.requireLocalization.


	//Account for allowing multiple extra locales. Do this here inside the function
	//since dojo._xdInitExtraLocales() depends on djConfig being set up, but that only
	//happens after hostenv_browser runs. loader_xd has to come before hostenv_browser
	//though since hostenv_browser can do a dojo.require for the debug module.
		dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = null;
		dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);

	var locales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");

	//Find the best-match locale to load.
	//Assumes dojo.i18n has already been loaded. This is true for xdomain builds,
	//since it is included in dojo.xd.js.
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);

	var bestLocale = "";
	for(var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++){
		//Locale must match from start of string.
		if(jsLoc.indexOf(locales[i]) == 0){
			if(locales[i].length > bestLocale.length){
				bestLocale = locales[i];

	var fixedBestLocale = bestLocale.replace('-', '_');
	//See if the bundle we are going to use is already loaded.
 	var bundleResource = dojo.getObject([moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join("."));
	if(bundleResource && bundleResource[fixedBestLocale]){
		bundleMap[jsLoc.replace('-', '_')] = bundleResource[fixedBestLocale];
		//Need to remember what locale we wanted and which one we actually use.
		//Then when we load the one we are actually using, use that bundle for the one
		//we originally wanted.
		var mapName = [moduleName, (fixedBestLocale||"root"), bundleName].join(".");
		var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
			bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName] = {};
		bundleMap[jsLoc.replace('-', '_')] = true;

		//Do just a normal dojo.require so the resource tracking stuff works as usual.
		dojo.require(moduleName + ".nls" + (bestLocale ? "." + bestLocale : "") + "." + bundleName);
	}";s:7:"returns";s:14:"String|Boolean";s:6:"chains";a:1:{s:4:"call";a:1:{i:0;s:26:"dojo.xdRequireLocalization";}}s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:24:"dojo.requireLocalization";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:4:{s:10:"moduleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:10:"bundleName";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:6:"locale";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}s:20:"availableFlatLocales";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"String";}}s:6:"source";s:325:"    var modulePath = this.moduleUrl(moduleName).toString();
    if (this._xdIsXDomainPath(modulePath)) {
        // call cross-domain loader
        return dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);
    } else {
        // call local-loader
        return dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);
    }";s:7:"summary";s:113:"loads a bundle intelligently based on whether the module is
local or xd. Overrides the local-case implementation.";s:6:"chains";a:1:{s:4:"call";a:2:{i:0;s:26:"dojo.xdRequireLocalization";i:1;s:31:"dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization";}}}s:24:"dojo._xdUnpackDependency";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:3:"dep";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:5:"Array";}}s:6:"source";s:18773:"//Cross-domain resource loader.

dojo._xdReset = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.

	//This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
	//it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
	//to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
	//the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
	//to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
	this._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;

	this._xdTimer = 0;
	this._xdInFlight = {};
	this._xdOrderedReqs = [];
	this._xdDepMap = {};
	this._xdContents = [];
	this._xdDefList = [];

//Call reset immediately to set the state.

dojo._xdCreateResource = function(/*String*/contents, /*String*/resourceName, /*String*/resourcePath){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Creates an xd module source given an
	//non-xd module contents.

	//Remove comments. Not perfect, but good enough for dependency resolution.
	var depContents = contents.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , "");

	//Find dependencies.
	var deps = [];
    var depRegExp = /dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
    var match;
	while((match = depRegExp.exec(depContents)) != null){
		if(match[1] == "requireLocalization"){
			//Need to load the local bundles asap, since they are not
			//part of the list of modules watched for loading.
			deps.push('"' + match[1] + '", ' + match[2]);

	//Create resource object and the call to _xdResourceLoaded.
	var output = [];
	output.push(dojo._scopeName + "._xdResourceLoaded(function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){\n");

	//See if there are any dojo.loadInit calls
	var loadInitCalls = dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(contents);
		//Adjust fileContents since extractLoadInits removed something.
		contents = loadInitCalls[0];

		//Add any loadInit calls to the top of the xd file.
		for(var i = 1; i < loadInitCalls.length; i++){
			output.push(loadInitCalls[i] + ";\n");

	output.push("return {");

	//Add dependencies
	if(deps.length > 0){
		output.push("depends: [");
		for(i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			if(i > 0){
			output.push("[" + deps[i] + "]");

	//Add the contents of the file inside a function.
	//Pass in scope arguments so we can support multiple versions of the
	//same module on a page.
	output.push("\ndefineResource: function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){");

	//Don't put in the contents in the debugAtAllCosts case
	//since the contents may have syntax errors. Let those
	//get pushed up when the script tags are added to the page
	//in the debugAtAllCosts case.
	if(!dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] || resourceName == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
	//Add isLocal property so we know if we have to do something different
	//in debugAtAllCosts situations.
	output.push("\n}, resourceName: '" + resourceName + "', resourcePath: '" + resourcePath + "'};});");

	return output.join(""); //String

dojo._xdExtractLoadInits = function(/*String*/fileContents){
	var regexp = /dojo.loadInit\s*\(/g;
	regexp.lastIndex = 0;

	var parenRe = /[\(\)]/g;
	parenRe.lastIndex = 0;

	var results = [];
	var matches;
	while((matches = regexp.exec(fileContents))){
		//Find end of the call by finding the matching end paren
		parenRe.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
		var matchCount = 1;
		var parenMatch;
		while((parenMatch = parenRe.exec(fileContents))){
			if(parenMatch[0] == ")"){
				matchCount -= 1;
				matchCount += 1;
			if(matchCount == 0){

		if(matchCount != 0){
			throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + fileContents;

		//Put the master matching string in the results.
		var startIndex = regexp.lastIndex - matches[0].length;
		results.push(fileContents.substring(startIndex, parenRe.lastIndex));

		//Remove the matching section.
		var remLength = parenRe.lastIndex - startIndex;
		fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, startIndex) + fileContents.substring(parenRe.lastIndex, fileContents.length);

		//Move the master regexp past the last matching paren point.
		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex - remLength;

		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex;

	if(results.length > 0){

	return (results.length ? results : null);

dojo._xdIsXDomainPath = function(/*string*/relpath) {
    //summary: Figure out whether the path is local or x-domain
	//If there is a colon before the first / then, we have a URL with a protocol.

	var colonIndex = relpath.indexOf(":");
	var slashIndex = relpath.indexOf("/");

	if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex){
		return true;
		//Is the base script URI-based URL a cross domain URL?
		//If so, then the relpath will be evaluated relative to
		//baseUrl, and therefore qualify as xdomain.
		//Only treat it as xdomain if the page does not have a
		//host (file:// url) or if the baseUrl does not match the
		//current window's domain.
		var url = this.baseUrl;
		colonIndex = url.indexOf(":");
		slashIndex = url.indexOf("/");
		if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex && (!location.host || url.indexOf("http://" + location.host) != 0)){
			return true;
    return false;     

dojo._loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadPath() from loader.js.
	//xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().

	var currentIsXDomain = this._xdIsXDomainPath(relpath);
    this._isXDomain |= currentIsXDomain;

	var uri = ((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)) ? "" : this.baseUrl) + relpath;

		return ((!module || this._isXDomain) ? this._loadUri(uri, cb, currentIsXDomain, module) : this._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb)); //Boolean
		return false; //Boolean

dojo._loadUri = function(/*String*/uri, /*Function?*/cb, /*boolean*/currentIsXDomain, /*String?*/module){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadUri() from loader.js.
	//		xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().
	//description: Wanted to override getText(), but it is used by
	//		the widget code in too many, synchronous ways right now.
		return 1; //Boolean

	//Add the module (resource) to the list of modules.
	//Only do this work if we have a modlue name. Otherwise, 
	//it is a non-xd i18n bundle, which can load immediately and does not 
	//need to be tracked. Also, don't track dojo.i18n, since it is a prerequisite
	//and will be loaded correctly if we load it right away: it has no dependencies.
	if(this._isXDomain && module && module != "dojo.i18n"){

		//Add to waiting resources if it is an xdomain resource.
		//Don't add non-xdomain i18n bundles, those get evaled immediately.
		if(currentIsXDomain || uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1){
			this._xdInFlight[module] = true;

			//Increment inFlightCount
			//This will stop the modulesLoaded from firing all the way.

		//Start timer
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(function(){dojo._xdWatchInFlight();}, 100);
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(dojo._scopeName + "._xdWatchInFlight();", 100);
		this._xdStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();

	if (currentIsXDomain){
		//Fix name to be a .xd.fileextension name.
		var lastIndex = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
		if(lastIndex <= 0){
			lastIndex = uri.length - 1;

		var xdUri = uri.substring(0, lastIndex) + ".xd";
		if(lastIndex != uri.length - 1){
			xdUri += uri.substring(lastIndex, uri.length);

		if (dojo.isAIR){
			xdUri = xdUri.replace("app:/", "/");

		//Add to script src
		var element = document.createElement("script");
		element.type = "text/javascript";
		element.src = xdUri;
			this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

			//Head element may not exist, particularly in html
			//html 4 or tag soup cases where the page does not
			//have a head tag in it. Use html element, since that will exist.
			//Seems to be an issue mostly with Opera 9 and to lesser extent Safari 2
				this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
		var contents = this._getText(uri, null, true);
		if(contents == null){ return 0; /*boolean*/}

		//If this is not xdomain, or if loading a i18n resource bundle, then send it down
		//the normal eval/callback path.
			&& uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1
			&& module != "dojo.i18n"){
			var res = this._xdCreateResource(contents, module, uri);
				contents = '('+contents+')';
				//Only do the scoping if no callback. If a callback is specified,
				//it is most likely the i18n bundle stuff.
				contents = this._scopePrefix + contents + this._scopeSuffix;
			var value = dojo["eval"](contents+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);

	//These steps are done in the non-xd loader version of this function.
	//Maintain these steps to fit in with the existing system.
	this._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
	return true; //Boolean

dojo._xdResourceLoaded = function(/*Object*/res){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Called by an xd module resource when
	//it has been loaded via a script tag.

	//Evaluate the function with scopeArgs for multiversion support.
	res = res.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Work through dependencies.
	var deps = res.depends;
	var requireList = null;
	var requireAfterList = null;
	var provideList = [];
	if(deps && deps.length > 0){
		var dep = null;
		var insertHint = 0;
		var attachedResource = false;
		for(var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			dep = deps[i];

			//Look for specific dependency indicators.
			if (dep[0] == "provide"){
					requireList = [];
					requireAfterList = [];

				var unpackedDeps = this._xdUnpackDependency(dep);
					requireList = requireList.concat(unpackedDeps.requires);
					requireAfterList = requireAfterList.concat(unpackedDeps.requiresAfter);

			//Call the dependency indicator to allow for the normal dojo setup.
			//Only allow for one dot reference, for the i18n._preloadLocalizations calls
			//(and maybe future, one-dot things).
			var depType = dep[0];
			var objPath = depType.split(".");
			if(objPath.length == 2){
				dojo[objPath[0]][objPath[1]].apply(dojo[objPath[0]], dep.slice(1));
				dojo[depType].apply(dojo, dep.slice(1));

		//If loading the debugAtAllCosts module, eval it right away since we need
		//its functions to properly load the other modules.
		if(provideList.length == 1 && provideList[0] == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
			//Save off the resource contents for definition later.
			var contentIndex = this._xdContents.push({
					content: res.defineResource,
					resourceName: res["resourceName"],
					resourcePath: res["resourcePath"],
					isDefined: false
				}) - 1;

			//Add provide/requires to dependency map.
			for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
				this._xdDepMap[provideList[i]] = { requires: requireList, requiresAfter: requireAfterList, contentIndex: contentIndex };

		//Now update the inflight status for any provided resources in this loaded resource.
		//Do this at the very end (in a *separate* for loop) to avoid shutting down the 
		//inflight timer check too soon.
		for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
			this._xdInFlight[provideList[i]] = false;

dojo._xdLoadFlattenedBundle = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*Object*/bundleData){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Used when loading
	//a flattened localized bundle via a script tag.
	locale = locale || "root";
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale).replace('-', '_');
 	var bundleResource = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
	var bundle = dojo["provide"](bundleResource);
	bundle[jsLoc] = bundleData;

	//Assign the bundle for the original locale(s) we wanted.
	var mapName = [moduleName, jsLoc, bundleName].join(".");
	var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
		for(var param in bundleMap){
			bundle[param] = bundleData;

dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = function(){
	// Simulate the extra locale work that dojo.requireLocalization does.

	var extra = dojo.config.extraLocale;
		if(!extra instanceof Array){
			extra = [extra];

		dojo._xdReqLoc = dojo.xdRequireLocalization;
		dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, fLocales){
			dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,locale, fLocales);
			for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
				dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,extra[i], fLocales);

dojo._xdBundleMap = {};

dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String*/availableFlatLocales){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. The xd version of dojo.requireLocalization.


	//Account for allowing multiple extra locales. Do this here inside the function
	//since dojo._xdInitExtraLocales() depends on djConfig being set up, but that only
	//happens after hostenv_browser runs. loader_xd has to come before hostenv_browser
	//though since hostenv_browser can do a dojo.require for the debug module.
		dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = null;
		dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);

	var locales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");

	//Find the best-match locale to load.
	//Assumes dojo.i18n has already been loaded. This is true for xdomain builds,
	//since it is included in dojo.xd.js.
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);

	var bestLocale = "";
	for(var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++){
		//Locale must match from start of string.
		if(jsLoc.indexOf(locales[i]) == 0){
			if(locales[i].length > bestLocale.length){
				bestLocale = locales[i];

	var fixedBestLocale = bestLocale.replace('-', '_');
	//See if the bundle we are going to use is already loaded.
 	var bundleResource = dojo.getObject([moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join("."));
	if(bundleResource && bundleResource[fixedBestLocale]){
		bundleMap[jsLoc.replace('-', '_')] = bundleResource[fixedBestLocale];
		//Need to remember what locale we wanted and which one we actually use.
		//Then when we load the one we are actually using, use that bundle for the one
		//we originally wanted.
		var mapName = [moduleName, (fixedBestLocale||"root"), bundleName].join(".");
		var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
			bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName] = {};
		bundleMap[jsLoc.replace('-', '_')] = true;

		//Do just a normal dojo.require so the resource tracking stuff works as usual.
		dojo.require(moduleName + ".nls" + (bestLocale ? "." + bestLocale : "") + "." + bundleName);

// Replace dojo.requireLocalization with a wrapper
dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization = dojo.requireLocalization;
dojo.requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String*/availableFlatLocales){
    // summary: loads a bundle intelligently based on whether the module is 
    // local or xd. Overrides the local-case implementation.

    var modulePath = this.moduleUrl(moduleName).toString();
    if (this._xdIsXDomainPath(modulePath)) {
        // call cross-domain loader
        return dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);
    } else {
        // call local-loader
        return dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);

//This is a bit brittle: it has to know about the dojo methods that deal with dependencies
//It would be ideal to intercept the actual methods and do something fancy at that point,
//but I have concern about knowing which provide to match to the dependency in that case,
//since scripts can load whenever they want, and trigger new calls to dojo._xdResourceLoaded().
dojo._xdUnpackDependency = function(/*Array*/dep){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Determines what to do with a dependency
	//that was listed in an xd version of a module contents.

	//Extract the dependency(ies).
	var newDeps = null;
	var newAfterDeps = null;
		case "requireIf":
		case "requireAfterIf":
			//First arg (dep[1]) is the test. Depedency is dep[2].
			if(dep[1] === true){
				newDeps = [{name: dep[2], content: null}];
		case "platformRequire":
			var modMap = dep[1];
			var common = modMap["common"]||[];
			newDeps = (modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]) ? common.concat(modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]||[]) : common.concat(modMap["default"]||[]);	
			//Flatten the array of arrays into a one-level deep array.
			//Each result could be an array of 3 elements  (the 3 arguments to dojo.require).
			//We only need the first one.
				for(var i = 0; i < newDeps.length; i++){
					if(newDeps[i] instanceof Array){
						newDeps[i] = {name: newDeps[i][0], content: null};
						newDeps[i] = {name: newDeps[i], content: null};
		case "require":
			//Just worry about dep[1]
			newDeps = [{name: dep[1], content: null}];
		case "i18n._preloadLocalizations":
			//We can eval these immediately, since they load i18n bundles.
			//Since i18n bundles have no dependencies, whenever they are loaded
			//in a script tag, they are evaluated immediately, so we do not have to
			//treat them has an explicit dependency for the dependency mapping.
			//We can call it immediately since dojo.i18n is part of dojo.xd.js.
			dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations.apply(dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations, dep.slice(1));

	//The requireIf and requireAfterIf needs to be evaluated after the current resource is evaluated.
	if(dep[0] == "requireAfterIf" || dep[0] == "requireIf"){
		newAfterDeps = newDeps;
		newDeps = null;
	return {requires: newDeps, requiresAfter: newAfterDeps}; //Object";s:7:"returns";s:21:"String|Boolean|Object";s:6:"chains";a:1:{s:4:"call";a:1:{i:0;s:31:"dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations";}}s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:16:"dojo._xdWalkReqs";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:276:"	var reqChain = null;
	var req;
	for(var i = 0; i < this._xdOrderedReqs.length; i++){
		req = this._xdOrderedReqs[i];
			reqChain = [req];
			reqChain[req] = true; //Allow for fast lookup of the req in the array
	}";s:7:"summary";s:106:"Internal xd loader function.
Walks the requires and evaluates module resource contents in
the right order.";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:16:"dojo._xdEvalReqs";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:8:"reqChain";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:5:"Array";}}s:6:"source";s:1622:"	while(reqChain.length > 0){
		var req = reqChain[reqChain.length - 1];
		var res = this._xdDepMap[req];
		var i, reqs, nextReq;
			//Trace down any requires for this resource.
			//START dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
			reqs = res.requires;
			if(reqs && reqs.length > 0){
				for(i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++){
					nextReq = reqs[i].name;
					if(nextReq && !reqChain[nextReq]){
						//New req depedency. Follow it down.
						reqChain[nextReq] = true;
			//END dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack

			//Evaluate the resource.
			var contents = this._xdContents[res.contentIndex];
				var content = contents.content;
				content["resourceName"] = contents["resourceName"];
				content["resourcePath"] = contents["resourcePath"];
				contents.isDefined = true;
			this._xdDepMap[req] = null;

			//Trace down any requireAfters for this resource.
			//START dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
			reqs = res.requiresAfter;
			if(reqs && reqs.length > 0){
				for(i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++){
					nextReq = reqs[i].name;
					if(nextReq && !reqChain[nextReq]){
						//New req depedency. Follow it down.
						reqChain[nextReq] = true;
			//END dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack

		//Done with that require. Remove it and go to the next one.
	}";s:7:"summary";s:100:"Internal xd loader function.
Does a depth first, breadth second search and eval of required modules.";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:21:"dojo._xdClearInterval";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:50:"	clearInterval(this._xdTimer);
	this._xdTimer = 0;";s:7:"summary";s:124:"Internal xd loader function.
Clears the interval timer used to check on the
status of in-flight xd module resource requests.";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:30:"dojo._xdClearInterval._xdTimer";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:21:"dojo._xdClearInterval";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:21:"dojo._xdWatchInFlight";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:1887:"	var noLoads = "";
	var waitInterval = (dojo.config.xdWaitSeconds || 15) * 1000;
	var expired = (this._xdStartTime + waitInterval) < (new Date()).getTime();

	//If any xdInFlight are true, then still waiting for something to load.
	//Come back later. If we timed out, report the things that did not load.
	for(var param in this._xdInFlight){
		if(this._xdInFlight[param] === true){
				noLoads += param + " ";

	//All done. Clean up and notify.

		throw "Could not load cross-domain resources: " + noLoads;


	var defLength = this._xdDefList.length;
	for(var i= 0; i < defLength; i++){
		var content = dojo._xdDefList[i];
		if(dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] && content["resourceName"]){
				this._xdDebugQueue = [];
			this._xdDebugQueue.push({resourceName: content.resourceName, resourcePath: content.resourcePath});
			//Evaluate the resource to bring it into being.
			//Pass in scope args to allow multiple versions of modules in a page.	
			content.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Evaluate any resources that were not evaled before.
	//This normally shouldn't happen with proper dojo.provide and dojo.require
	//usage, but providing it just in case. Note that these may not be executed
	//in the original order that the developer intended.
	for(i = 0; i < this._xdContents.length; i++){
		var current = this._xdContents[i];
		if(current.content && !current.isDefined){
			//Pass in scope args to allow multiple versions of modules in a page.	
			current.content.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Clean up for the next round of xd loading.

	if(this["_xdDebugQueue"] && this._xdDebugQueue.length > 0){
	}";s:7:"summary";s:81:"Internal xd loader function.
Monitors in-flight requests for xd module resources.";s:6:"chains";a:1:{s:4:"call";a:1:{i:0;s:15:"current.content";}}s:7:"private";b:1;}s:35:"dojo._xdWatchInFlight._xdDebugQueue";a:4:{s:8:"instance";s:21:"dojo._xdWatchInFlight";s:7:"private";b:1;s:14:"private_parent";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:20:"dojo._xdNotifyLoaded";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:23518:"//Cross-domain resource loader.

dojo._xdReset = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Resets the xd state.

	//This flag indicates where or not we have crossed into xdomain territory. Once any resource says
	//it is cross domain, then the rest of the resources have to be treated as xdomain because we need
	//to evaluate resources in order. If there is a xdomain resource followed by a xhr resource, we can't load
	//the xhr resource until the one before it finishes loading. The text of the xhr resource will be converted
	//to match the format for a xd resource and put in the xd load queue.
	this._isXDomain = dojo.config.useXDomain || false;

	this._xdTimer = 0;
	this._xdInFlight = {};
	this._xdOrderedReqs = [];
	this._xdDepMap = {};
	this._xdContents = [];
	this._xdDefList = [];

//Call reset immediately to set the state.

dojo._xdCreateResource = function(/*String*/contents, /*String*/resourceName, /*String*/resourcePath){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Creates an xd module source given an
	//non-xd module contents.

	//Remove comments. Not perfect, but good enough for dependency resolution.
	var depContents = contents.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg , "");

	//Find dependencies.
	var deps = [];
    var depRegExp = /dojo.(require|requireIf|provide|requireAfterIf|platformRequire|requireLocalization)\s*\(([\w\W]*?)\)/mg;
    var match;
	while((match = depRegExp.exec(depContents)) != null){
		if(match[1] == "requireLocalization"){
			//Need to load the local bundles asap, since they are not
			//part of the list of modules watched for loading.
			deps.push('"' + match[1] + '", ' + match[2]);

	//Create resource object and the call to _xdResourceLoaded.
	var output = [];
	output.push(dojo._scopeName + "._xdResourceLoaded(function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){\n");

	//See if there are any dojo.loadInit calls
	var loadInitCalls = dojo._xdExtractLoadInits(contents);
		//Adjust fileContents since extractLoadInits removed something.
		contents = loadInitCalls[0];

		//Add any loadInit calls to the top of the xd file.
		for(var i = 1; i < loadInitCalls.length; i++){
			output.push(loadInitCalls[i] + ";\n");

	output.push("return {");

	//Add dependencies
	if(deps.length > 0){
		output.push("depends: [");
		for(i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			if(i > 0){
			output.push("[" + deps[i] + "]");

	//Add the contents of the file inside a function.
	//Pass in scope arguments so we can support multiple versions of the
	//same module on a page.
	output.push("\ndefineResource: function(" + dojo._scopePrefixArgs + "){");

	//Don't put in the contents in the debugAtAllCosts case
	//since the contents may have syntax errors. Let those
	//get pushed up when the script tags are added to the page
	//in the debugAtAllCosts case.
	if(!dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] || resourceName == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
	//Add isLocal property so we know if we have to do something different
	//in debugAtAllCosts situations.
	output.push("\n}, resourceName: '" + resourceName + "', resourcePath: '" + resourcePath + "'};});");

	return output.join(""); //String

dojo._xdExtractLoadInits = function(/*String*/fileContents){
	var regexp = /dojo.loadInit\s*\(/g;
	regexp.lastIndex = 0;

	var parenRe = /[\(\)]/g;
	parenRe.lastIndex = 0;

	var results = [];
	var matches;
	while((matches = regexp.exec(fileContents))){
		//Find end of the call by finding the matching end paren
		parenRe.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
		var matchCount = 1;
		var parenMatch;
		while((parenMatch = parenRe.exec(fileContents))){
			if(parenMatch[0] == ")"){
				matchCount -= 1;
				matchCount += 1;
			if(matchCount == 0){

		if(matchCount != 0){
			throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + fileContents;

		//Put the master matching string in the results.
		var startIndex = regexp.lastIndex - matches[0].length;
		results.push(fileContents.substring(startIndex, parenRe.lastIndex));

		//Remove the matching section.
		var remLength = parenRe.lastIndex - startIndex;
		fileContents = fileContents.substring(0, startIndex) + fileContents.substring(parenRe.lastIndex, fileContents.length);

		//Move the master regexp past the last matching paren point.
		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex - remLength;

		regexp.lastIndex = parenRe.lastIndex;

	if(results.length > 0){

	return (results.length ? results : null);

dojo._xdIsXDomainPath = function(/*string*/relpath) {
    //summary: Figure out whether the path is local or x-domain
	//If there is a colon before the first / then, we have a URL with a protocol.

	var colonIndex = relpath.indexOf(":");
	var slashIndex = relpath.indexOf("/");

	if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex){
		return true;
		//Is the base script URI-based URL a cross domain URL?
		//If so, then the relpath will be evaluated relative to
		//baseUrl, and therefore qualify as xdomain.
		//Only treat it as xdomain if the page does not have a
		//host (file:// url) or if the baseUrl does not match the
		//current window's domain.
		var url = this.baseUrl;
		colonIndex = url.indexOf(":");
		slashIndex = url.indexOf("/");
		if(colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex && (!location.host || url.indexOf("http://" + location.host) != 0)){
			return true;
    return false;     

dojo._loadPath = function(/*String*/relpath, /*String?*/module, /*Function?*/cb){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadPath() from loader.js.
	//xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().

	var currentIsXDomain = this._xdIsXDomainPath(relpath);
    this._isXDomain |= currentIsXDomain;

	var uri = ((relpath.charAt(0) == '/' || relpath.match(/^\w+:/)) ? "" : this.baseUrl) + relpath;

		return ((!module || this._isXDomain) ? this._loadUri(uri, cb, currentIsXDomain, module) : this._loadUriAndCheck(uri, module, cb)); //Boolean
		return false; //Boolean

dojo._loadUri = function(/*String*/uri, /*Function?*/cb, /*boolean*/currentIsXDomain, /*String?*/module){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Overrides loadUri() from loader.js.
	//		xd loading requires slightly different behavior from loadPath().
	//description: Wanted to override getText(), but it is used by
	//		the widget code in too many, synchronous ways right now.
		return 1; //Boolean

	//Add the module (resource) to the list of modules.
	//Only do this work if we have a modlue name. Otherwise, 
	//it is a non-xd i18n bundle, which can load immediately and does not 
	//need to be tracked. Also, don't track dojo.i18n, since it is a prerequisite
	//and will be loaded correctly if we load it right away: it has no dependencies.
	if(this._isXDomain && module && module != "dojo.i18n"){

		//Add to waiting resources if it is an xdomain resource.
		//Don't add non-xdomain i18n bundles, those get evaled immediately.
		if(currentIsXDomain || uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1){
			this._xdInFlight[module] = true;

			//Increment inFlightCount
			//This will stop the modulesLoaded from firing all the way.

		//Start timer
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(function(){dojo._xdWatchInFlight();}, 100);
				this._xdTimer = setInterval(dojo._scopeName + "._xdWatchInFlight();", 100);
		this._xdStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();

	if (currentIsXDomain){
		//Fix name to be a .xd.fileextension name.
		var lastIndex = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
		if(lastIndex <= 0){
			lastIndex = uri.length - 1;

		var xdUri = uri.substring(0, lastIndex) + ".xd";
		if(lastIndex != uri.length - 1){
			xdUri += uri.substring(lastIndex, uri.length);

		if (dojo.isAIR){
			xdUri = xdUri.replace("app:/", "/");

		//Add to script src
		var element = document.createElement("script");
		element.type = "text/javascript";
		element.src = xdUri;
			this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

			//Head element may not exist, particularly in html
			//html 4 or tag soup cases where the page does not
			//have a head tag in it. Use html element, since that will exist.
			//Seems to be an issue mostly with Opera 9 and to lesser extent Safari 2
				this._headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
		var contents = this._getText(uri, null, true);
		if(contents == null){ return 0; /*boolean*/}

		//If this is not xdomain, or if loading a i18n resource bundle, then send it down
		//the normal eval/callback path.
			&& uri.indexOf("/nls/") == -1
			&& module != "dojo.i18n"){
			var res = this._xdCreateResource(contents, module, uri);
				contents = '('+contents+')';
				//Only do the scoping if no callback. If a callback is specified,
				//it is most likely the i18n bundle stuff.
				contents = this._scopePrefix + contents + this._scopeSuffix;
			var value = dojo["eval"](contents+"\r\n//@ sourceURL="+uri);

	//These steps are done in the non-xd loader version of this function.
	//Maintain these steps to fit in with the existing system.
	this._loadedUrls[uri] = true;
	return true; //Boolean

dojo._xdResourceLoaded = function(/*Object*/res){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Called by an xd module resource when
	//it has been loaded via a script tag.

	//Evaluate the function with scopeArgs for multiversion support.
	res = res.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Work through dependencies.
	var deps = res.depends;
	var requireList = null;
	var requireAfterList = null;
	var provideList = [];
	if(deps && deps.length > 0){
		var dep = null;
		var insertHint = 0;
		var attachedResource = false;
		for(var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++){
			dep = deps[i];

			//Look for specific dependency indicators.
			if (dep[0] == "provide"){
					requireList = [];
					requireAfterList = [];

				var unpackedDeps = this._xdUnpackDependency(dep);
					requireList = requireList.concat(unpackedDeps.requires);
					requireAfterList = requireAfterList.concat(unpackedDeps.requiresAfter);

			//Call the dependency indicator to allow for the normal dojo setup.
			//Only allow for one dot reference, for the i18n._preloadLocalizations calls
			//(and maybe future, one-dot things).
			var depType = dep[0];
			var objPath = depType.split(".");
			if(objPath.length == 2){
				dojo[objPath[0]][objPath[1]].apply(dojo[objPath[0]], dep.slice(1));
				dojo[depType].apply(dojo, dep.slice(1));

		//If loading the debugAtAllCosts module, eval it right away since we need
		//its functions to properly load the other modules.
		if(provideList.length == 1 && provideList[0] == "dojo._base._loader.loader_debug"){
			//Save off the resource contents for definition later.
			var contentIndex = this._xdContents.push({
					content: res.defineResource,
					resourceName: res["resourceName"],
					resourcePath: res["resourcePath"],
					isDefined: false
				}) - 1;

			//Add provide/requires to dependency map.
			for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
				this._xdDepMap[provideList[i]] = { requires: requireList, requiresAfter: requireAfterList, contentIndex: contentIndex };

		//Now update the inflight status for any provided resources in this loaded resource.
		//Do this at the very end (in a *separate* for loop) to avoid shutting down the 
		//inflight timer check too soon.
		for(i = 0; i < provideList.length; i++){
			this._xdInFlight[provideList[i]] = false;

dojo._xdLoadFlattenedBundle = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*Object*/bundleData){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Used when loading
	//a flattened localized bundle via a script tag.
	locale = locale || "root";
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale).replace('-', '_');
 	var bundleResource = [moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join(".");
	var bundle = dojo["provide"](bundleResource);
	bundle[jsLoc] = bundleData;

	//Assign the bundle for the original locale(s) we wanted.
	var mapName = [moduleName, jsLoc, bundleName].join(".");
	var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
		for(var param in bundleMap){
			bundle[param] = bundleData;

dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = function(){
	// Simulate the extra locale work that dojo.requireLocalization does.

	var extra = dojo.config.extraLocale;
		if(!extra instanceof Array){
			extra = [extra];

		dojo._xdReqLoc = dojo.xdRequireLocalization;
		dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, fLocales){
			dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,locale, fLocales);
			for(var i=0; i<extra.length; i++){
				dojo._xdReqLoc(m,b,extra[i], fLocales);

dojo._xdBundleMap = {};

dojo.xdRequireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String*/availableFlatLocales){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. The xd version of dojo.requireLocalization.


	//Account for allowing multiple extra locales. Do this here inside the function
	//since dojo._xdInitExtraLocales() depends on djConfig being set up, but that only
	//happens after hostenv_browser runs. loader_xd has to come before hostenv_browser
	//though since hostenv_browser can do a dojo.require for the debug module.
		dojo._xdInitExtraLocales = null;
		dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);

	var locales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");

	//Find the best-match locale to load.
	//Assumes dojo.i18n has already been loaded. This is true for xdomain builds,
	//since it is included in dojo.xd.js.
	var jsLoc = dojo.i18n.normalizeLocale(locale);

	var bestLocale = "";
	for(var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++){
		//Locale must match from start of string.
		if(jsLoc.indexOf(locales[i]) == 0){
			if(locales[i].length > bestLocale.length){
				bestLocale = locales[i];

	var fixedBestLocale = bestLocale.replace('-', '_');
	//See if the bundle we are going to use is already loaded.
 	var bundleResource = dojo.getObject([moduleName, "nls", bundleName].join("."));
	if(bundleResource && bundleResource[fixedBestLocale]){
		bundleMap[jsLoc.replace('-', '_')] = bundleResource[fixedBestLocale];
		//Need to remember what locale we wanted and which one we actually use.
		//Then when we load the one we are actually using, use that bundle for the one
		//we originally wanted.
		var mapName = [moduleName, (fixedBestLocale||"root"), bundleName].join(".");
		var bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName];
			bundleMap = dojo._xdBundleMap[mapName] = {};
		bundleMap[jsLoc.replace('-', '_')] = true;

		//Do just a normal dojo.require so the resource tracking stuff works as usual.
		dojo.require(moduleName + ".nls" + (bestLocale ? "." + bestLocale : "") + "." + bundleName);

// Replace dojo.requireLocalization with a wrapper
dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization = dojo.requireLocalization;
dojo.requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale, /*String*/availableFlatLocales){
    // summary: loads a bundle intelligently based on whether the module is 
    // local or xd. Overrides the local-case implementation.

    var modulePath = this.moduleUrl(moduleName).toString();
    if (this._xdIsXDomainPath(modulePath)) {
        // call cross-domain loader
        return dojo.xdRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);
    } else {
        // call local-loader
        return dojo._xdRealRequireLocalization.apply(dojo, arguments);

//This is a bit brittle: it has to know about the dojo methods that deal with dependencies
//It would be ideal to intercept the actual methods and do something fancy at that point,
//but I have concern about knowing which provide to match to the dependency in that case,
//since scripts can load whenever they want, and trigger new calls to dojo._xdResourceLoaded().
dojo._xdUnpackDependency = function(/*Array*/dep){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. Determines what to do with a dependency
	//that was listed in an xd version of a module contents.

	//Extract the dependency(ies).
	var newDeps = null;
	var newAfterDeps = null;
		case "requireIf":
		case "requireAfterIf":
			//First arg (dep[1]) is the test. Depedency is dep[2].
			if(dep[1] === true){
				newDeps = [{name: dep[2], content: null}];
		case "platformRequire":
			var modMap = dep[1];
			var common = modMap["common"]||[];
			newDeps = (modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]) ? common.concat(modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]||[]) : common.concat(modMap["default"]||[]);	
			//Flatten the array of arrays into a one-level deep array.
			//Each result could be an array of 3 elements  (the 3 arguments to dojo.require).
			//We only need the first one.
				for(var i = 0; i < newDeps.length; i++){
					if(newDeps[i] instanceof Array){
						newDeps[i] = {name: newDeps[i][0], content: null};
						newDeps[i] = {name: newDeps[i], content: null};
		case "require":
			//Just worry about dep[1]
			newDeps = [{name: dep[1], content: null}];
		case "i18n._preloadLocalizations":
			//We can eval these immediately, since they load i18n bundles.
			//Since i18n bundles have no dependencies, whenever they are loaded
			//in a script tag, they are evaluated immediately, so we do not have to
			//treat them has an explicit dependency for the dependency mapping.
			//We can call it immediately since dojo.i18n is part of dojo.xd.js.
			dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations.apply(dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations, dep.slice(1));

	//The requireIf and requireAfterIf needs to be evaluated after the current resource is evaluated.
	if(dep[0] == "requireAfterIf" || dep[0] == "requireIf"){
		newAfterDeps = newDeps;
		newDeps = null;
	return {requires: newDeps, requiresAfter: newAfterDeps}; //Object

dojo._xdWalkReqs = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. 
	//Walks the requires and evaluates module resource contents in
	//the right order.
	var reqChain = null;
	var req;
	for(var i = 0; i < this._xdOrderedReqs.length; i++){
		req = this._xdOrderedReqs[i];
			reqChain = [req];
			reqChain[req] = true; //Allow for fast lookup of the req in the array

dojo._xdEvalReqs = function(/*Array*/reqChain){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function. 
	//Does a depth first, breadth second search and eval of required modules.
	while(reqChain.length > 0){
		var req = reqChain[reqChain.length - 1];
		var res = this._xdDepMap[req];
		var i, reqs, nextReq;
			//Trace down any requires for this resource.
			//START dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
			reqs = res.requires;
			if(reqs && reqs.length > 0){
				for(i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++){
					nextReq = reqs[i].name;
					if(nextReq && !reqChain[nextReq]){
						//New req depedency. Follow it down.
						reqChain[nextReq] = true;
			//END dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack

			//Evaluate the resource.
			var contents = this._xdContents[res.contentIndex];
				var content = contents.content;
				content["resourceName"] = contents["resourceName"];
				content["resourcePath"] = contents["resourcePath"];
				contents.isDefined = true;
			this._xdDepMap[req] = null;

			//Trace down any requireAfters for this resource.
			//START dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack
			reqs = res.requiresAfter;
			if(reqs && reqs.length > 0){
				for(i = 0; i < reqs.length; i++){
					nextReq = reqs[i].name;
					if(nextReq && !reqChain[nextReq]){
						//New req depedency. Follow it down.
						reqChain[nextReq] = true;
			//END dojo._xdTraceReqs() inlining for small Safari 2.0 call stack

		//Done with that require. Remove it and go to the next one.

dojo._xdClearInterval = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function.
	//Clears the interval timer used to check on the
	//status of in-flight xd module resource requests.
	this._xdTimer = 0;

dojo._xdWatchInFlight = function(){
	//summary: Internal xd loader function.
	//Monitors in-flight requests for xd module resources.

	var noLoads = "";
	var waitInterval = (dojo.config.xdWaitSeconds || 15) * 1000;
	var expired = (this._xdStartTime + waitInterval) < (new Date()).getTime();

	//If any xdInFlight are true, then still waiting for something to load.
	//Come back later. If we timed out, report the things that did not load.
	for(var param in this._xdInFlight){
		if(this._xdInFlight[param] === true){
				noLoads += param + " ";

	//All done. Clean up and notify.

		throw "Could not load cross-domain resources: " + noLoads;


	var defLength = this._xdDefList.length;
	for(var i= 0; i < defLength; i++){
		var content = dojo._xdDefList[i];
		if(dojo.config["debugAtAllCosts"] && content["resourceName"]){
				this._xdDebugQueue = [];
			this._xdDebugQueue.push({resourceName: content.resourceName, resourcePath: content.resourcePath});
			//Evaluate the resource to bring it into being.
			//Pass in scope args to allow multiple versions of modules in a page.	
			content.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Evaluate any resources that were not evaled before.
	//This normally shouldn't happen with proper dojo.provide and dojo.require
	//usage, but providing it just in case. Note that these may not be executed
	//in the original order that the developer intended.
	for(i = 0; i < this._xdContents.length; i++){
		var current = this._xdContents[i];
		if(current.content && !current.isDefined){
			//Pass in scope args to allow multiple versions of modules in a page.	
			current.content.apply(dojo.global, dojo._scopeArgs);

	//Clean up for the next round of xd loading.

	if(this["_xdDebugQueue"] && this._xdDebugQueue.length > 0){

dojo._xdNotifyLoaded = function(){
	//Clear inflight count so we will finally do finish work.
	this._inFlightCount = 0; 

	//Only trigger call loaded if dj_load_init has run. 
	if(this._initFired && !this._loadNotifying){ 