jsdoc_project_name == $provide->title) { return 'Included automatically'; } else { return 'dojo.require("%s");'; } } function _dojo_ensure_directory($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { die("$directory is not a directory\n"); } else { if(substr($directory, -1) != '/'){ $directory .= '/'; } } return $directory; } function dojo_get_file_time($namespace, $file) { if (function_exists($namespace . '_code_location')) { return filectime(_dojo_ensure_directory(call_user_func($namespace . '_code_location')) . $file); } else { global $_dojo_properties_modules; return filectime($_dojo_properties_modules[$namespace]['location'] . $file); } } function dojo_get_files($limit=null) { $namespaces = _dojo_get_namespaces($limit); $files = array(); foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) { if (function_exists($namespace . '_code_location')) { $location = _dojo_ensure_directory(call_user_func($namespace . '_code_location')); } else { global $_dojo_properties_modules; $location = $_dojo_properties_modules[$namespace]['location']; } if (!$location) die($namespace . '_code_location does not return useful result'); $dojo = new Dojo($namespace, $location); $list = $dojo->getFileList(); foreach ($list as $i => $item) { // Skip internationalization/tests/demos files if (preg_match('%(^|/|\\\\)(nls|tests|demos)(\\\\|/)%', $item)) { unset($list[$i]); continue; } $list[$i] = array($namespace, $item); } $files = array_merge($files, array_values($list)); } return $files; } function dojo_get_conditions() { return array('svg', 'vml'); } function dojo_get_environments() { return array( 'common' => array( 'browser' => true ) ); } function dojo_get_contents($namespace, $file_name) { $output = array(); if (function_exists($namespace . '_code_location')) { $location = _dojo_ensure_directory(call_user_func($namespace . '_code_location')); } else { global $_dojo_properties_modules; $location = $_dojo_properties_modules[$namespace]['location']; } $dojo = new Dojo($namespace, $location); $package = new DojoPackage($dojo, $file_name); $output['#provides'] = $package->getPackageName(); $output['#resource'] = $package->getResourceName(); if ($output['#provides'] == 'null' || !$output['#resource'] == 'null') return array(); $compound_calls = $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.kwCompoundRequire'); // Handle compound require calls foreach ($compound_calls as $call) { if ($call->getParameter(0)->isA(DojoObject)) { $object = $call->getParameter(0)->getObject(); foreach ($object->getValues() as $key => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { if ($value->isA(DojoArray)) { foreach ($value->getArray()->getItems() as $item) { if ($item->isA(DojoString)) { $output['#requires'][] = array($key, $item->getString()); } elseif ($item->isA(DojoArray)) { $item = $item->getArray(); if ($item->getItem(0)->isA(DojoString)) { $output['#requires'][] = array($key, $item->getItem(0)->getString()); } } } } } } } } unset($compound_calls); unset($call); unset($object); unset($key); unset($value); unset($item); $require_calls = $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.require'); // Handle dojo.require calls foreach ($require_calls as $call) { $require = $call->getParameter(0); if ($require->isA(DojoString)) { $output['#requires'][] = array('common', $require->getString()); } } unset($require_calls); unset($call); unset($require); $require_if_calls = array_merge($package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.requireIf'), $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.requireAfterIf')); // Handle dojo.requireAfterIf calls foreach ($require_if_calls as $call) { $environment = $call->getParameter(0); $require = $call->getParameter(1); if ($environment && $require) { $environment = $environment->getValue(); $require = $require->getValue(); unset($env); unset($req); if ($require instanceof DojoString) { $req = $require->getValue(); } if ($environment instanceof DojoString) { $env = $environment->getValue(); } elseif ($environment instanceof DojoVariable) { $environment = $environment->getValue(); if ($environment == "dojo.isBrowser") { $env = 'browser'; } elseif ($environment == "dojo.render.svg.capable") { $env = 'svg'; } elseif ($environment == "dojo.render.vml.capable") { $env = 'vml'; } elseif (preg_match('%^dojox.gfx.render\s*=\s*"([a-z]+)"%', $environment, $match)) { $env = $match[1]; } } if ($env && $req) { $output['#requires'][] = array($env, $req); } } } unset($require_if_calls); unset($call); unset($environment); unset($require); unset($env); unset($req); $declare_calls = array_merge($package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.declare'), $package->getFunctionCalls('d.declare'), $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.widget.defineWidget')); // This closely matches dojo.widget.defineWidget as declared in src/widget/Widget.js foreach ($declare_calls as $call) { $init = null; if ($call->getName() == 'dojo.declare' || $call->getName() == 'd.declare') { $args = array($call->getParameter(0), null, $call->getParameter(1), $call->getParameter(2), $call->getParameter(3)); $name = $args[0]->getString(); if ($args[3]->isA(DojoFunctionDeclare)) { $init = $args[3]->getFunction(); } if ($args[3]->isA(DojoObject)) { $args[4] = $args[3]; $args[3] = null; } } else { if ($call->getParameter(3)->isA(DojoString)) { $args = array($call->getParameter(0), $call->getParameter(3), $call->getParameter(1), $call->getParameter(4), $call->getParameter(2)); } else { $args = array($call->getParameter(0)); $p = 3; if ($call->getParameter(1)->isA(DojoString)) { array_push($args, $call->getParameter(1), $call->getParameter(2)); } else { array_push($args, null, $call->getParameter(1)); $p = 2; } if ($call->getParameter($p)->isA(DojoFunctionDeclare)) { $init = $call->getParameter($p)->getFunction(); array_push($args, $call->getParameter($p), $call->getParameter($p + 1)); } else { array_push($args, null, $call->getParameter($p)); } } } $name = $args[0]->getString(); $output[$name]['type'] = 'Function'; // $args looks like (name, null, superclass(es), initializer, mixins) if ($args[2]->isA(DojoVariable)) { $output[$name]['chains']['prototype'][] = $args[2]->getVariable(); $output[$name]['chains']['call'][] = $args[2]->getVariable(); } elseif ($args[2]->isA(DojoArray)) { $items = $args[2]->getArray()->getItems(); foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if ($item->isA(DojoVariable)) { $item = $item->getVariable(); if (!$i) { $output[$name]['chains']['prototype'][] = $item; } else { $output[$name]['mixins']['prototype'][] = $item . '.prototype'; } $output[$name]['chains']['call'][] = $item; } } } unset($init); if ($args[4]->isA(DojoObject)) { $object = $args[4]->getObject(); $object->setName($name); $object->setAnonymous(true); $object->addBlockCommentKeySet('example'); foreach ($object->getValues() as $key => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $object->addBlockCommentKey($key); $full_name = "$name.$key"; if ($value->isA(DojoFunctionDeclare)) { if (($key == 'initializer' || $key == 'constructor')) { $init = $value->getFunction(); $init->setConstructor(true); continue; } $function = $value->getFunction($value); $function->setPrototype($name); } $output[$full_name]['prototype'] = $name; } } $object->rollOut($output, 'Function'); $keys = $object->getBlockCommentKeys(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($key == 'example') { $output[$name]['examples'] = $object->getBlockComment('example'); } elseif ($key == 'summary') { $output[$name]['summary'] = $object->getBlockComment('summary'); } elseif ($key == 'description') { $output[$name]['description'] = $object->getBlockComment('description'); } } unset($keys); } if ($init) { $init->setFunctionName($name); $init->rollOut($output); } } unset($declare_calls); unset($call); unset($init); unset($args); unset($name); unset($p); unset($items); unset($item); unset($object); unset($values); unset($key); unset($value); unset($full_name); unset($function); $inherit_calls = $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.inherits', true); foreach ($inherit_calls as $call) { if ($call->getParameter(0)->isA(DojoVariable) && $call->getParameter(1)->isA(DojoVariable)) { $output[$call->getParameter(0)->getVariable()]['chains']['prototype'][] = $call->getParameter(1)->getVariable(); } } unset($inherit_calls); unset($call); $mixin_calls = array_merge($package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.extend'), $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.lang.extend', true), $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.mixin'), $package->getFunctionCalls('dojo.lang.mixin')); $declarations = $package->getFunctionDeclarations(); $executions = $package->getExecutedFunctions(); $objects = $package->getObjects(); // Since there can be chase conditions between declarations and calls, we need to find which were "swallowed" by larger blocks $swallowed_mixins = $package->removeSwallowed($mixin_calls); $package->removeSwallowed($executions); $package->removeSwallowed($objects); foreach ($objects as $object) { $output[$object->getName()]['type'] = 'Object'; $object->rollOut($output); } unset($objects); unset($object); $aliases = $package->getAliases(); unset($aliases); // Handle function declarations foreach ($declarations as $declaration) { $package->removeSwallowed($declaration); foreach ($declaration as $declaration_instance){ $declaration_instance->removeSwallowedMixins($swallowed_mixins); $declaration_instance->rollOut($output); } } unset($declarations); unset($declaration); unset($declaration_instance); foreach ($executions as $execution) { $execution->removeSwallowedMixins($swallowed_mixins); $execution->rollOut($output); unset($execution); } $mixin_calls = array_merge($mixin_calls, $swallowed_mixins); unset($swallowed_mixins); unset($executions); // Handle. dojo.lang.extend and dojo.lang.mixin calls foreach ($mixin_calls as $call) { $is_prototype = false; if ($call->getParameter(0)->isA(DojoVariable) || $call->getParameter(0)->isA(DojoFunctionDeclare)) { if ($call->getParameter(0)->isA(DojoVariable)) { $object = $call->getParameter(0)->getVariable(); if (strpos($object, '(') !== false) { continue; } } else { $function = $call->getParameter(0)->getFunction(); $object = $function->getFunctionName(); if (!$object) { $object = $call->getAssignment(); $function->setFunctionName($object); } $function->setConstructor(true); $function->rollOut($output); } $call_name = $call->getName(); if(strlen($object) > 10 && substr($object, -10) == '.prototype') { $is_prototype = true; $object = substr($object, 0, -10); } if ($call_name == 'dojo.lang.extend' || $call_name == 'dojo.extend') { $is_prototype = true; } $parameters = $call->getParameters(); array_shift($parameters); foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if ($parameter->isA(DojoObject)) { $properties = $parameter->getObject(); $keys = $properties->getValues(); foreach ($keys as $key => $functions) { foreach ($functions as $function) { $full_variable_name = "$object.$key"; if ($is_prototype) { $output[$full_variable_name]['prototype'] = $object; } if ($function->isA(DojoFunctionDeclare)) { $function = $function->getFunction(); if ($is_prototype) { $function->setPrototype($object); } $function->setFunctionName($full_variable_name); $function->rollOut($output); } elseif ($function->isA(DojoObject)) { $output[$full_variable_name]['type'] = 'Object'; $obj = $function->getObject(); $obj->setName($full_variable_name); $obj->rollOut($output); } else { if ($call_name == 'dojo.lang.mixin' || $call_name == 'dojo.mixin') { if (!isset($output[$full_variable_name])) { $output[$full_variable_name] = array(); } } } } } } elseif ($parameter->isA(DojoVariable)) { if ($call_name == 'dojo.lang.extend' || $call_name == 'dojo.extend') { $output[$object]['mixins']['prototype'][] = $parameter->getVariable(); } elseif ($call_name == 'dojo.lang.mixin' || $call_name == 'dojo.mixin') { $output[$object]['mixins']['normal'][] = $parameter->getVariable(); } } elseif ($parameter->isA(DojoString)) { print_r($call); throw new Exception('Odd string'); $properties = $parameter->getString(); // Note: inherits expects to be reading from prototype values if (($call_name == 'dojo.lang.extend' || $call_name == 'dojo.extend') && strpos($properties, '.prototype') !== false) { $output[$object]['chains']['prototype'][] = str_replace('.prototype', '', $properties); } elseif (($call_name == 'dojo.lang.extend' || $call_name == 'dojo.extend') && strpos($properties, 'new ') !== false) { $output[$object]['chains']['prototype'][] = str_replace('new ', '', $properties); } else { $output[$properties]['inherits'] = $object; } } } } } unset($mixin_calls); unset($call); unset($is_prototype); unset($object); unset($call_name); unset($properties); unset($keys); unset($key); unset($function); unset($variable_name); unset($full_variable_name); $external_variables = $package->getExternalVariables(); foreach ($external_variables as $external_variable) { if (empty($output[$external_variable])) { $output[$external_variable] = array(); } } // Remember, dojo.provides creates new objects if needed $parts = explode('.', $output['#provides']); while (count($parts)) { if (!array_key_exists(implode('.', $parts), $output)) { $output[implode('.', $parts)] = array('type' => 'Object'); } array_pop($parts); } unset($parts); list($project,) = explode('.', $output['#provides'], 2); if ($output['#requires']) { foreach ($output['#requires'] as &$require) { list($require_project,) = explode('.', $require[1]); if ($require_project != $project) { $require[2] = $require_project; } } } foreach ($output as $object_name => $object) { if ($object_name{0} == '#') { continue; } $parts = explode('.', $object_name); $last = array_pop($parts); if ($last{0} == '_') { $output[$object_name]['private'] = true; } if (preg_match('%\._+[^A-Z]%', implode('.', $parts), $match)) { $output[$object_name]['private_parent'] = true; } if ($object['type'] == 'Function') { if (preg_match('%^(_*)[A-Z]%', $last, $match)) { if (strlen($match[1]) < 2) { unset($output[$object_name]['private']); } $output[$object_name]['classlike'] = true; } elseif ($object['prototype'] && $output[$object['prototype']]) { $output[$object['prototype']]['classlike'] = true; } elseif ($object['instance'] && $output[$object['instance']]) { $output[$object['instance']]['classlike'] = true; } } $output[$object_name]['summary'] = htmlentities($object['summary']); } $package->destroy(); return $output; } ?>